๐ I received Best Paper Award at ISMIR 2017, the most prestigous music information retrieval research conference.
๐๏ธ I was also nominated for Best Paper Award at ISMIR 2023.
๐ฅ I am the creator and maintainer of Kapre, a Python package for Tensorflow (Keras) Audio Preprocessing layers.
โจ๏ธ I am a contributor of librosa, Keras, torchdata, and torchaudio.
๐ I first-authored 10+ peer-reviewed papers at venues including ISMIR, ICASSP, EUSIPCO, ICML Workshop, etc.
๐ I review papers at NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, ISMIR, ICASSP, AAAI, etc.
๐ก I created and have co-organized an AI challenge for sound synthesis in 2023 and 2024.
๐ก I am one of the general chairs of ISMIR 2025, with Prof. Juhan Nam and Prof. Dasaem Jeong.
๐ I co-authored a web book about music classification. We used it in our tutorial at ISMIR 2021
๐ I also wrote another web book, 'LLMs <3 MIR', 2023 May. It is a tutorial on large language models for music information retrieval.
๐ผ I make music as keunwoo.OOO, as a composer, lyricist, singer, and producer.
๐น I record and edit audio and videos for Hayoung Lyou, my wife and an amazing jazz composer / pianist.
โ๏ธ I try to convert my friends into JazzBees through my tiny, personal, and non-intimidating newsletter called JazzBuzz.